Personal Narrative: Pinturillo

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So I don’t know what to write for this. Instead of coming up with something actually decent to write about I’m just going to write whatever comes to mind while i'm writing this. I don’t know if I’ll actually keep this but I will definitely finish writing the 400 words because even if I decide to not hand this in I need something to show on Friday and since you just check for a piece of paper with words on it and don’t actually read I can write whatever I want right now and if I decide to I can just rewrite the whole thing before we hand in the full journal.

So right now I’m watching (listening) to a livestream of five people playing a game called Pinturillo. Basically the game works by giving one person a word and then they have to draw it. While their drawing it the rest of the people try to guess the word. For some reason a bunch of them decided to try and incorporate a snowman into the drawing. The are also talking about random stuff the whole time such as mayo sandwiches, whether arachnids halve fangs or mandibles, and …show more content…

On tuesdays I have practice playing with the group of people that I play music with at 7:00 and i usually leave around 6:30. Normally if my mom is working later like she is this week she will pick up something like pizza because there isn’t much time for her to make anything for supper before I leave. Anyways on tuesday this week she got home at six and I came came out to ask her when super would be ready at 6:15. She said she just had to wait for the potatoes to be cooked so I asked her how long that would be and she said half an hour. I was like you know i need to leave in half an hour right? Apparently she forgot it was tuesday which i guess is understandable because monday was a holiday. Anyways I ended up having to make myself a chicken wrap to eat real quick before I left. By the way this has to do with porkchops because thats what we were having with the

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