Personal Narrative On The Beach

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I experience many happenings as I walk down the winding gravel roads through the meadow. With each step I take, the grey gravel makes a blunt crunching sound under my black vans and chalky white dust envelopes over my shoes. The wind makes quiet hushing sounds as it gently caresses the tall blades of bright green grass that blankets the meadow. Small mousy colored rodents frolic and scurry through the intertwining blades of grass and brightly-colored orange flowers as they begin their journey home to their barrows before the vicious creatures of the night come out to play and hunt. Light brown fawn clumsily follow their mothers to the small shimmering pond where the golden ducks quack happily, rejoice, and splash about in the cool blue water. …show more content…

Bright tangerine colored koi fish make splashing sounds that are audible even from the road as they swim about in the pond. As I approach a thicket of dense green trees next to a quaint looking cottage, I begin to make out the merry chirpings of sparrows and robins as they glide from tree branch to tree branch. Earthy colored snakes quietly slither away the closer I get. Grasshoppers chirp and leap away as my feet meet the grass surrounding them. Over my shoulder, I can make out the outline of a fuzzy grey cat napping on the brick red cottage steps. I can hear the splashing of small water droplets as they bounced off the bright blue cottage shingles. Beautiful colors illuminates from the translucent droplets as the warm yellow sunlight refracts off the

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