Personal Narrative: My Trip To Orlando

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In the past, I had come to grips that I had bad sleep issue and rarely had a good night rest. Partly, due to my high energy daughter with special needs that also woke frequently and partly because I've suffered with this affliction for my entire life. I came to expect that the hightened worry prior to travel would just be part of who I am,as well. I can write lists so I know I'm not forgetting anything, but ultimately, I'll worry that I'm forgetting something or not leaving the my parents, who usually take care of the kids/pets, with enough info to survive without me.

This trip will be different for so many reasons. First of all. The kids are going with us. This trip is for them, first and foremost. Disney World wouldn't be as much fun for us with out
Diffusing Peace and Calming or Lavender and Cedarwood, I can get a good night sleep 99% of the time. Life changing on so many levels. My girls rely on the oils for good sleep, as well. My husband snores a lot softer if at all, using Valor Essential Oil on his big right toe. So, I plan on taking my supply of oils with us to Orlando. To diffuse or not diffuse. That was the question.

It took a few moments before I realized that although we'd be exhausted from daily active fun, sometimes that can have an opposite effect on a child with special needs, as well as parents that are dealing with high energy children. So, that light weight diffuser with it's detachable cord will go in my carry on bag, along with the following oils. Thieves and Purification (to diffuse in the hotel room, getting it cleaner than ever), Peace and Calming, Lavender, Cederwood, Joy and Orange (my rollerball bottle with the two oils and grapeseed oil, so we can roll some on to tame any crankiness) and Stress Away, specifically for the day we rent a car and drive to the ocean for the

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