Personal Narrative: My Trip To Brazil

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As me and my family finally arrive in Brazil, devouring everything that was within our path which wasn't much. My little ancestors were starting to starve so we had to find food instantly. We walked for miles and miles with our stomachs on empty until we entered a jungle. It wasn't going to be easy to eat though, because as soon as we arrived the stampede occurred. Jaguars, Pumas, and Deer running by with herds of coyotes with their head lowered not trying to be stopped, squirrels rushing through the high branches of trees, and with rodents, snakes, and lizards in all sizes doing all that they could to get away from us. That wasn't going to stop us though, we ran and ran, chasing down anything that we could get a hold to and eating every animal we caught all the way to its bones. Without notice, we had been following this loud and enormous herd of animals for two days already, then all of a sudden we ran into the gigantic plantation that was so beautiful I knew it would keep our stomachs full for days. I felt as if I knew this place, like I've been around this area before. It just couldn't come off my tongue. Then all of sudden I paused as I heard a loud scream that said, “The ants are coming!” Then I remembered, there was this …show more content…

“Grab the biggest leaves back by the village” I told my family. So we marched two miles to the village & two miles back to the get the flooded ditch. As we returned, We had elder siblings volunteer to drop the leaves in the water and try to flow with the water to the other side. Once they tried, some of the others gathered on different leaves, but the plan all went downhill when the water suddenly washed away quickly! Some of us was already loaded on leave while the water was filling and unfilling, splashing us everywhere like it was a storm! I felt as if I was in the movie titanic. It was just sad having to watch some of my love ones

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