Personal Narrative: My Passion To Play Fortnite

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My Passion is to play Fortnite because I can do solos, duos,or squad but I'm not that good at the game.Since I started I didn't know how to build, edit, sprint,shoot,jump and I couldn't switch the weapon.Fortnite is my passion because I can play with my friends and I can and then I can talk to them.I can also be in the same game with them in solos and I can do duos or squad with my friends.I can also be able to build quicker and now edit, I know how to all the stuff since when I started.I know how to snipe people and shotgun them in the head.I like this as my passion because I can get V bucks and I can buy new stuff that comes.If I keep playing this a game and I will start to get even more better.When I grow up I want to have a lot of wins.When

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