Personal Narrative: My Identity As An Athlete

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At times, stories about other people better shape the story, or identity, of someone else. In my case, the story of how my sister was diagnosed with a rare chromosomal syndrome did just that. The event happened when my sister, Kaya, was 2(making me ten). After a whirlwind of tests done on Kaya, we were finally getting answers. Even though we were not ready for the impact the results would have on our lives, we were ready for the resolution to all this chaos. Everything went down in a dull meeting room that was multiplied throughout the hospital. The oversized team of doctors were waiting in the room when we arrived. The situation made me uncomfortable knowing all those people had access to every little detail about my sister’s medical records. …show more content…

As an athlete, the right physical and mental attributes have to be inherited. I was born with the proper physical traits to be a successful athlete, such as my speed and endurance. In addition, athletes also have to have the right mindset to be one. Some people are just born with competitiveness and communicative skills, while some develop them over time. I was born with a competitive edge, but I had to build upon my leadership through several years of team sports. After all, being a part of a team can have an extensive effect on someone. Being an athlete forged a path for plenty of the traits I hold today. Because I am an athlete, I am also a leader, a competitor, and a team player. Therefore, an athlete does not just play sports, they also hold the trust of others while they use their gifts to better themselves and the people around …show more content…

For this purpose, I shape most of my identity in being a positive role model for my younger siblings and even my older sister at times. Being a good big sister is all about kindness towards my siblings and others. Sisterhood is also about not just connecting in the DNA aspect, but also the emotional side. In addition, I have learned to be protective towards my siblings, and I have also transformed into their teacher. But, they teach me new things everyday as well. Subsequently, being a productive sibling is all about observing their lives as if it were my own. As a sister, I have developed a nurturing, caring trait that helps push forward the lives of my siblings, which is the greatest thing I could do in my

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