Personal Narrative: My Hero's Journey

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Joseph Campbell studied ancient greek mythology for many years. Joseph filled each stage of the journey very well. He accepted all the challenges he got and all the help he needed. He really knew how to fulfill all those stages. Like everyone goes through a heroic journey everyone has to have a story to tell. My story is very contrasty from Joseph’s because he really knew what all the stages meant. My hero's journey consists of my threshold crossing which was when I started depending on myself more than I did on others, my helpers/mentors like my parents, teachers,my sister and many more influential people in my life and my rewards were getting awards in school, having a nice family, and many friends.
Crossing your threshold can be very different for everyone. For me it was an easy process but for some people it might be scary or it might be something simple. Something that they are ready for. My threshold crossing made me more dependent on myself. I didn’t depend on others as much as I used to. I still had my parents I just learned and had to do stuff on my own. I still depended on my parents but I just did more stuff alone. I feel like everyone has to grow independent one day, it is part of life. I think everybody goes through this process and it can be very helpful sometimes. You just have to learn how to do stuff for yourself so …show more content…

Everyone is different, from me my hero's journey consists of my threshold crossing which was when I started depending on myself more than I did on others, my helpers/mentors like my parents, teachers, my sister and many more influential people in my life finally, my rewards were getting awards in school, having a nice family, and many friends. I still have many stages to go through. Nevertheless I have completed many stages. One day it would be nice to write another heroic journey like Joseph Campbell did and filled with many more details and

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