Personal Narrative: My Grandpa Clayton

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When I think of the word labour, I think of my Grandpa Clayton. My Grandpa is the hardest working person I know. From what I know he spent most of his life on a farm and horse ranch on our Reserve, Pasqua First Nation. My Grandpa was also sent to Residential school as a child, and would only be at home with my Kokum and Mushom during the summers. The Grandma also tells me for awhile when my Grandpa Clayton was a young man he worked as an x-ray technician in Regina before moving back to the Reserve to take over the farm from my Mushom Tony. The Cyr farm on Pasqua First Nation is still where my Grandpa lives today. My Grandpa is an awesome guy and is one of my role models. He always motivates his grandchildren to have a good work ethic and be …show more content…

They expected me to not “get into trouble” but nothing more than that. I remember growing up, if I didn’t want to go to school then I didn’t have to. My grades were fine despite me missing 25-50% of the classes, so my Mom didn’t force me to go. It wasn’t until I entered high school that I had someone that cared whether or not I attended school. At the end of grade 7 my Mom and I got evicted from our house in Fort Qu’Appelle and we had to move from the town to my Grandparent’s farm on our Reserve. While at the time I saw moving into my Grandparent’s house as the worst thing that could’ve happened, it turned out to be the best thing. Even though we literally lived 20 minutes away from the Reserve my Mom and I never really interacted with my Grandparents. So I hadn’t really known my Grandpa Clayton until we moved there. My Grandpa didn’t fall for my, “I don’t want to go to class… it’s fine we’re not doing anything important” bullshit, and he was the first person to make me go to class. He drove me to and from school almost everyday, and was always vocal on how important he thought school was. My Grandpa believed that working hard at everything you do was important, even if it was something you didn’t want to do. After having lived with my Grandpa for 5 years I now know this is a sentiment he tries to teach everyone. His strong work ethic and belief in working hard inspires me. While he realizes there are limits, he …show more content…

While a lot of people may look down at the kind of work my Grandpa does, and simply see him as uneducated, and thus unable to get a “good job”. I see my Grandpa as the hardest working person I know. He persevered through everything life threw at him, and still pushes forward today. And while some may consider what my Grandpa does as “unskilled labour”, he’s taught me all of the skills I need to push forward in a world that’s always pushing me back. Without my Grandpa, I never would’ve been able to make it through high school, and into University. My Grandpa, despite all the obstacles he’s faced, has pushed as far as he can go, and he’s taught me to do the same; Go as far as I can, and when I can’t go any further, help motivate the next generation to push on. Until one day our bloodline can soar the skies like an Eagle. Miigwich Papa for always motivating me to do all I

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