Personal Narrative: My First Car

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It was her first car. She couldn’t believe that her parents gave her a car. There were no car or insurance payments that needed to be made by Michelle. She grabbed the keys and flew out the door. Michelle took the route that she knew best to pick up her best friend since the first grade. The windows were down, the music was loud, and her hair was blowing in all directions. The phone started ringing. It slightly bounced from the vibration. Michelle looked down. Shrieeekkkk *BANG* Only if she wouldn’t have looked down. Was that single call important??? Could the phone call be more valuable than a life? The truth is Michelle could have been me when I got my first vehicle. I was excited yet anxious when I got the keys to my first car. Sometimes …show more content…

Some don’t think of the repercussions of answering a phone while driving their newest automobile. There are times when the unexpected happens but, everyone has a huge responsibility when it comes to sitting behind the wheel.
It starts with giving undivided attention to the road. Put the phones down! Turn the radio off! If people love life as much as they say they do, then they would do their best to keep the heart aches away. I have seen videos of parents discussing their deceased child due to reckless driving. Many families suffer from unintentional accidents every day. No mother or father wants to get a call that a terrible accident has happened due to distractions. However, these phones called are made at all hours of the night. It takes only three seconds to change the course of a life.
I take a pledge and so should others to keep their eyes on the road always. Online there are pledges that make each driver aware of reckless driving. These tactics are spoke about before receiving permission to drive. Theses websites discuss the safety measures such as buckling up, checking mirrors, and counting the distance between cars. They even reward you for practicing safe driving. There happens to be apps that turn off human interaction when driving. All that drivers need to do is use their resources and be smart. There are no

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