Finding Unexpected Friendship Amidst Family Turmoil

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When I was in first grade, my parents went through a horrible divorce. I switched out of the private school that my dad worked at, to a public school in my city. I was suddenly the new girl with no friends, and a family life in which I wanted to stay away from. That was also the year I had unknowingly met the greatest friend I could possibly be blessed with. We met in gym class half way through the year. He saw me from across the gym and decided he wanted to impress me. We were in the middle of the coaches’ indoor version of field hockey, with added obstacles, and he thought that if he kicked the ball around, it would impress me. In the midst of his kicking around, he ran right into one of the coaches. He had to sit out the rest of the class period. Unfortunately, we didn’t see each other again until the next year. …show more content…

We ended up in the same class together; however, we still never really talked. I never really knew how to talk to him. He was always a nerdy kid talking about Mario with another kid with the same name. I always giggled at the fact that the two boys with the same name always sat together and talked about the same thing almost every day. There was, however, one day where they didn’t sit together. That day, the entire second grade class went on a field trip to American Adventure Foam Factory. We sat together the entire bus ride there, talking and giggling. We even hung out during almost the entire trip. We had fun until one of the older teachers stepped on a ball and fell and broke her arm. We had a lovely trip that

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