Personal Narrative: My Experience At The Fair

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So how much money have you lost at the fair, trying to win one of those BIG prizes? It's annoying, right? It feels like you're just about there, and you blow it. To be frank, I’ve spent money on countless things, it was a bit tricky for me to decide, especially taking into consideration that I spend my money on things I don't need. Like every typical teenager, I find myself spending most of my money on food. No matter how much money teenagers spend, its mostly on pointless things we don't need, but instead want. It was summertime and the carnivals were out in full force. In the 30 mile radius around my house, there had to be at least a dozen begging friends trying to entice their friends to go and blow $200 trying to win a $3 stuffed animal. …show more content…

My experience at the Fair at the PNE, in Vancouver, BC went by in a blur of eating fresh donuts, the sound of peoples laughter and screams filling the air along with general carnival fun. Each carnival day has its own personality – different people, rides, food– all these things contribute different highlights. Well that year, one specific moment stood out, how I managed to lose 200 of my precious dollars at a risky carnival game called bucket toss. Sounds so simple right? Tossing a ball in a bucket? This game which simply consisted of a single bucket and 3 base balls, was the reason I became financially broke at the age of 16. All the birthday and Christmas money I had been saving up was thrown away right in front. I suddenly became aware that the world is nothing but a gamble and It's only a gambling problem if you're losing. Along with many other carnival games out there, this bucket toss game was rigged because the baskets were sitting on a hollowed surface. They just give you a garbage prize making you think at first you'll win a bigger prize. Then they have you hooked. Once you have entered the realm of carnival gaming, it is difficult for you to get out. Trust me when I say difficult. I had my sister literally pulling my arm out of my socket trying to get me away from playing another round. It seemed so simple. All I had to do was get the ball in the basket. How hard can that be? I was astonished at when the ball hit the bottom of the basket it suddenly bounced back out. Most of the time I will aim for the bottom of the basket, the goal is to try to drop the ball with a high arching toss. It's really embarrassing. I'll empty my wallet throwing those balls in the bucket until I'm broke. Thinking about it, I was such an amateur, I was tossing the ball at 90mph and miss everything instead 10 mph like you're supposed to. It's easier to quit after a win than a

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