Personal Narrative: My Brother Jared's Disease

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My brother Jared has been an important aspect of my life since I was born. Jared has a disease called Crohns and since we found out he had this disease it has been hard for me to understand why he has this disease and why God allowed him to have this disease. But through it all, it grew me closer to God. And my brother, who was the one who was dealing with the hardest thing, was an example to me and taught me how to live my life for Christ. My brother Jared is 9 years older than me, but even with our age difference we have always been really close. I also have another older brother, Justin, and he is 12 years older than me so he left to college when I was in elementary, so for a lot of the time it was just me and Jared at the house. Jared is very …show more content…

I did not understand why this disease was put on him. It made me question why if our God is so good then why do bad things happen? And I got mad at God for putting this disease on my brother and making him go through this. I was told time and time again that it was all part of God’s plan, but I could not help getting mad and feeling as though none of this was fair. Of course I prayed for healing, my whole family did, but healing would not come. Why would God not answer our prayers especially when we pray so much? Why does he still have this disease, why does he never feel completely better, why does he have to give himself shots? Why won’t God take this away? I did not understand. I do now, now I realize that it is part of God’s plan, even if we did not see it then and we still do not see the ultimate fulfillment of it. After lots of prayer and reading the bible to try to understand, I am no longer mad at God. I no longer feel angry when I am praying for healing for Jared. Even though I still don’t completely understand why my brother has this disease, I am able to live with it know that God still does love us and my brother even though he put this illness on

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