Personal Narrative: My Basketball Experience

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I was sitting in my room and after a long day and summer just started and I decided to start playing basketball again and get a personal trainer and put the work in so I could try out for the school team. After decided on what I was going to do my mom told me that I had to go to Tennessee for the summer. I was mad because I had my summer planned out and then I was hit with bad news. I was trying to stay and stay but i was forced to go. I was thinking to myself how am I going to play basketball in a state that was mainly soccer and football based.
When I got there I had nothing to do. I constantly stayed inside the house and just ate and watched TV and i saw myself getting out of shape and unhealthy. As soon as my uncle and his oldest son …show more content…

I then started to get nervous and thought to myself maybe this isn’t a good idea. There was like 20 coaches and 30 trainers and 10 team all depending on age group. I then ask my cousin why are there so many players and coaches while basketball has 15 players and 2 coaches and 4 trainers. He told me that soccer is very different from basketball and that the more trainers and coaches the better. We then start practicing and I was embarrassed and everyone quickly knew how bad I was and I even heard the coaches cracking a few jokes. On of the coaches was like “ Why did he even come here if he was going to play like this, Did he think this was a rec team”. I heard it all that day from the players, the coaches, and even the parents but I wasn’t harmed by it because basketball was 10 times the trash talk so I took it as a note to not play soccer ever …show more content…

Then he told me when he use to play soccer he was always picked on and had to learn the hard way so i shouldn’t have any excuses so that evening i went back to the field. Unfortunately there was a game two weeks from now. I was more nervous than the first time I came to the field. I started to work my tail off and started to see progress in my game and i became better and better and also became a starter. I played the whole first half and played great. I stopped 4 goals and assisted to my teammates on multiple occasions.The game was tied at 2 and we had one last chance to win the game to make it to a elite tournament in Florida. We had a corner kick and i was inside the goalie box with everyone else and when the ball was kicked and in the air, one of my teammates missed slightly and the ball was rolling and i quickly went after it and scored the game winning goal. My team was proud of me and so was my uncle. We ended up qualifying for the Florida tournament but we had another tournament in Nashville to play in. But with all good things falling in it’s place, school was starting and i had to go back to Georgia. I returned with the ability of being an elite soccer and basketball player. Everything happened for a reason because I now play both sports for two teams and it’s never been better than

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