Personal Narrative: Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned In the last year I’ve come across many lessons learned but there has been a single overall lesson that has had a substantial effect on my life. A lot of times, a lesson may go in one ear and out the other, but once one sticks it is often that it will be carried along with us all throughout our lives. With that being said, it is my senior year of high school and if I were to narrow the lessons I’ve learned down to the most important I would definitely choose the one that tugs on my heart the most. Toxic relationships are real and it is okay to remove them from your life. There was a time in my life when I would do absolutely anything I could to make others happy, regardless of how far I was straying from the true me. I had …show more content…

It had gotten to the point to where I didn’t even mention the things he said or did to others around me because I was embarrassed for still holding onto him so tightly. “I guess it is okay to compromise but not if it becomes a habit with you always being the one giving in” was said by Arvind Devalia and I continue to stand by his words. Sadly, this wasn’t the only instance that made me familiar with the toxicity I was allowing in my …show more content…

Like said by Arvind Devalia “all relationships should be seen as an adventure. And it’s not much fun if someone is taking advantage of our kindness and good hearts.” I, myself, have come across my fair share of toxic friendships. I’ve become very familiar with the characteristics of someone who isn’t healthy to have in one’s own life. Whether it be someone who believes they can be your only friend, someone who calls you names, or even just someone who puts little effort towards being your friend in general but expects you to bend over backward for them in return. These are all examples of people who will pull a cloud of negativity over everyday life and it shouldn’t ever be

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