Personal Narrative: Lessons I Learned In High School

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HI for those who don't know I am miranda. The topic i chose was what lessons i learned over my high school years ok so to be quite honest high school was one of the hardest things i had to get through. The last four years have thrown so many hurdles at me that some people wouldn't have been able to finish . sometimes in life there are some people who don't have any financially or emotionally. You just have to learn how to do everything on your on. Some people have to learn the hard way if you want anything to get done you're going to have to do it on your own. I was from warren and came here close to the end of my sophomore year. It was a really tough year I moved to like two different homes. I was once again the new kid. And I had no ride back and forth to school. It was super nice when the school found me a way. Also I didn't have internet at home and some of the teachers were not very sympathetic and left me to figure it out on my own So in order to keep my grades up i had to sacrifice my lunch and any free time at school by doing homework. Also by living out of district i have to get up about an hour earlier than most people so i can catch my bus but as i said sometimes in life you have to make …show more content…

Patience is very important because without it i would not have been able to stand going through high school along with my other responsibilities. I have had to learn to have a lot of patience tell story about ID. Or the time i had to wake the person at my house to get a ride to school and they would lay around until i was late. or Minor things like student not doing their share of the work or sometimes some of the students are very childish and you just have to sit back and say nothing. In life this a good lesson to learn, you don't always get what you want immediately, sometimes not at all and it's a good thing to stay calm and have patiences because, it won't do you any good and make things harder than they have to

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