Personal Narrative: I Give Back To My Community

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Throughout my high school career, I have spent countless hours volunteering to my community. Being apart of multiple clubs and organizations, I have had several opportunities to help out those in need. Any time I have the opportunity to give back to my community is incredibly rewarding and enriching, and I absolutely love volunteering my time to help others. However, one opportunity in particular has truly changed my life. After one of my basketball practices, my coach asked a few girls if they could volunteer their time to coach a recreational basketball team. Seeing that there were few volunteers, I stepped up with my sister and we took on the challenge of coaching a 5th grade basketball team. I hoped I could teach them how to play hard and be someone they could look up to. Little did I know that the girls would be the ones to teach me some true life lessons. …show more content…

After a few drills I realized just how wrong I was. Needless to say, the first few practices were excruciating. We spent hours trying to explain how to do a simple layup. My sister and I felt helpless; they just didn’t seem to understand what we were teaching. I can remember thinking to myself, “What did I get myself into?” But then things started to get better. Slowly but surely, I began to see progress in their abilities. The girls started to pick up on what we were doing, and we all started having more fun at practices. I started to talk to the girls on a more personal level, and I grew a close relationship to each and every one of them. We had a losing season that year, but the girls were always so encouraging to one another. They never let a loss get to them, and I started to learn how important staying positive is to

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