Personal Narrative: How Surgery Changed My Life

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I once had to get surgery done, and I can tell you right now, it isn’t fun. I was sick one day and it turned out to last for about over a week. I was in pain and was sick to my stomach. So my mom called the doctor. Whenever I got to the doctor’s office, he had my try and stand up to jump up and down on my right foot. I couldn’t jump though because my side and stomach hurt. He quickly knew what had been wrong with me. It involved going to the hospital and having surgery done, too.

The doctor informed my mother and I that my appendix had ruptured and I needed to get to Kosairs Children’s Hospital right away. The only problem here was, my mom had never been there and didn’t know how to get there. So, my mother called my dad and he didn’t answer. She called his friend that he worked with in Louisville by Kosairs, he didn’t answer. Finally my mom called my grandmother, she answered! She took us to New Albany to meet my dad, who finally called my mom back. …show more content…

After I got out of surgery I didn’t know where I was and got emotional. I looked over in the corner to find my mom and dad sitting there waiting for me to wake up. I started crying because I was confused and scared. I was in pain for a few weeks and I was released from the hospital in about two or three days after my

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