Personal Narrative: How School Has Changed My Life

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My life has changed all because of one person, the best person in the world. It all started at Conley Elementary school, but we first need to go to 7th grade at Marlowe Middle School. Once starting 7th grade, I would never care about my grades and dreaded going to school itself. All I cared about was sports and video games. I even used to look forward to being sick, unlike most people. I could just sit around, play video games, watch TV, and be slothful for a change. But that all changed thanks to my friend, Kavin. He helped realize that school is important and that grades matter. He made me realize that by doing excellent in middle school, I would get into higher classes in high school, which leads to going to a great college, which leads …show more content…

I did not even want to know what I got, but I knew we would get the quiz handed back later that day anyway. So I checked, and man was it bad. I had gotten a F. I straight up got 50%. That was the first ever F on an assignment, much less a test. It brought my grade down all the way to a D. I wanted to give up at that very moment. I wanted to crawl under my desk, sit there, grow old, and die. I figured that the rest of the year would be just like this. I knew that the year was going to keep heading down the drain. My hopes were shattered and I never thought they could be repaired. But luckily I had one of the most magnificent friends in the world to repair those broken pieces of glass I call my confidence. That friend was Kavin Suhirtharen. I continued to sit in my chair like a mindless zombie when Kavin started to nudge me. Kavin was my best friend in the entire world. He even replaced my beloved childhood friends and claimed the title. He was a short but extremely smart kid, a lot smarter than me. We have been best friends since 6th grade, and we sat right next to each other. We always did when the teacher gives us the almighty power to pick our own seats. Kavin started to whisper, but I did not catch a word he was saying. I was still recovering from the bullet wound that had shattered my …show more content…

He explained everything. Sometimes I had just made simple mistakes and other times I just did not understand anything. But he got me through it. He explained everything to me and even taught me simple mind tricks to help me remember term and formulas. We did all of our homework together, most of it was Kavin doing all the work and then me copying it down, but we did it together. When the next test had arrived, I got my full confidence back. I walked into the classroom and sat at my desk waiting for the beast of a test to come so I could conquer it. Ms. Coulman gave me the test and I started at it. I took a deep breath, what actually seemed like the biggest breath I had ever taken. I answered all the questions and was excited when I finally turned in the test. All I needed to do was wait for the grades to be entered. He seemed like it took forever to grade the test. She had finally put the test in the gradebook and I was scared. But I powered through the edge to not check my grade. I logged in a scrolled down to the bottom. My grade had raised to a B. I got an A+ on the test. I could not believe it. I knew I did well, but I never would have thought I got an A+. I turned to Kavin and thanked him with all my heart. Turns out I even got a better grade than he did. Who would have guessed? Not me for

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