Personal Narrative: High School Baseball

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Here I am, a high school freshman, many students are ready to start his or her school year academically, except for me. The only thoughts going through my head as I start my high school career is baseball, baseball and more baseball. It is every baseball playing kids dream to do well in high school baseball in the hopes of being drafted to college and ultimately the big leagues. I knew from the start I would never make the varsity team my freshman year due to the stock of players our school had, which included my brother. Even though I knew this I still couldn’t wait for the spring to begin junior varsity ball. The air is getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, the grass is green, but nothing is sweeter than seeing the greenest grass in the world on a baseball field, yes it is finally here. I don’t understand as I am walking out to the field for the first practice how most people do not see the beauty and poetry in the game of baseball. The greatest diamond I know of is the baseball field, the smell of fresh cut grass, the lines of the field being chalked, baseballs flying through the air, and the sheer joy of playing a beautiful game with the greatest of friends. The only problem was this, we were horrible. We won only two games the entire season and as we come to the final game I cannot believe this is …show more content…

I’m standing there 5 foot 8, weighing a mere 165 and these guys look like giants, their pitches were major league levels and batting practice for them meant that anybody who parked their car in the parking lot behind the outfield, should move it immediately. They generally played after us and I think that was what I looked forward to the most. Dominating every team they came across, even to the point where the head coach would stop runners from advancing bases because they were leading so

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