Outgoing, loud,talkative and excitable are all words I have become very familiar with, Growing up they were always used as words to make me feel bad, I was always too loud or too talkative or even too excited. Since a young age i've been able to successfully carry a conversation with just about everyone. I had many skills that i was alright at while i was growing up. I learned instruments like bass guitar and ukulele and tried out different sports of the very few that were offered at my private christian school that i attended. I was adopted when i was a newborn and raised in the same town my whole life and still reside in downtown puyallup. I was the youngest child in my family until i was 4 years old and my parents adopted a set of twins …show more content…
, my brothers Joshua and Caleb. My older 3 siblings all moved out when i was still relatively young but for the time they were very present in my life they heavily influenced me as a person. They all enjoyed music and art and were all very talented so they helped me get involved in the arts and as I’ve grown up they’ve encouraged me to stay involved in different art forms. When I was in elementary school i was always drawing or acting or writing a story or making up music to sing with my friends.
At recess I would go out with my small group of friends at recess and write stories and read books and then act out skits based off of those stories and books. We had no limits and we rarely got bored.My childhood best friend, Micah,was always put as the main character since he was the best actor. Other friends all payed certain kinds of characters that they liked and usually i would just play a minor character so i could sit back and watch the scenes play out and steer the plots in the correct direction. Sometimes we would have a story carry on for weeks or months and others lasted under 10 minutes. We based it all on how much fun we had and once we were no longer having fun we’d move on to our next plot.Micah wanted to be an actor and he would come up with a character he wanted and from that point on i would make a universe and story from that character and develop it more once more people wanted to get involved.For a long time i just wanted to be a novelist and write stories but i was never too good with …show more content…
words. Entering into middle school i still wrote stories but I always found myself trying to figure out the visual details I wanted and I wanted everyone who read it to think of it a certain way without over complicating everything. I was a visual thinker, almost to a fault and if there was ever any project that required a story line I was the first to get it done and usually with the best score. My visual thinking hindered me when it came to math and sciences though . It never really clicked to me that my passion could be well applied to television and film production. I took classes on acting, film and theater history , documentaries and video production. As a highschooler i got involved in the hobby called cosplay.
It’s basically dressing up as characters from films ,television shows, comics or video games and going to conventions with a million other nerds. Being involved with the cosplay community helped me find friends who have similar interests and aspirations as me. I found my primary friend group who all also want to make videos and films or want to act or do effects makeup. We all work together to make videos about characters that we have costumes for or original characters. We watch other videos from people like us on youtube or just watch movies together and have very long conversations on what we liked and what we didn't and what we think they could have done to improve
it. For a long time i thought that when i became a filmmaker my success would be gauged on how much money i made off of movies or if my movies made it to theaters across the country. Recently as I’ve worked with other friends on their projects and have had friends work with me on my own projects that success can also be gauged by the work you’ve put into it and the improvements you can see from film to film. My hope is to move from an ametuer level to a professional level filmmaker and learn how to further my skills and abilities. I enjoy directing and Camera work the most and i want to learn more and become better at doing those things.I hope to get new skills and learn things about myself from this program and i hop to make art that i can be proud of and that other people will enjoy. Outgoing, loud,talkative and excitable are all words that still describe me but I am also driven,creative and motivated to move forward in the film industry and I believe that Seattle Film Institute's professional filmmaking certificate program is the one that can bring me to a whole new level of creativity and productivity.
What words best describe your character? Give specific examples of why each word is applicable.
My affinity for writing novels started when I was a child and tried to scribble out what was essentially- extremely poorly-written Harry Potter fanfiction. Then my writing progressed in elementary school, where I wrote a poem about a chair and was praised
Every time I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always had different answers. An author, a photographer, even a video game tester. I've juggled lots of different careers, and yet I still don't seem to know which one I really want to do. When I was younger I always loved to write. Fiction was my favorite genre, especially when it comes to dystopian worlds. I always joked with my friends and family that after I become an author and "make millions off my first book", I'd be able to buy them whatever they desired. After I got a bit older though, writing just wasn't my top priority anymore, I lost interest in it sadly. Don't get me wrong I still like it, I'm just never in the mood to write anymore. So, being an author was crossed
Growing up for me some would say it was rather difficult and in some ways I would agree. There have been a lot of rough times that I have been through. This has and will affect my life for the rest of my life. The leading up to adoption, adoption and after adoption are the reasons my life were difficult.
Growing up as a “bright” teenager I have habits of making some “smart”choices. I do things like studying for test, being nice to my parents, and getting good grades. Then came one day when I was in eighth grade, I was walking from my friends house to mine, I saw a steel rim with a hard ground lying beneath it. You know teenagers, we’re about as dumb as a bucket of hair. A teenager with something to hang on, sounds scary right.
I have been able to explore many options because my parents have always encouraged and believed in me even when I doubted myself. In high school I was very active in extracurricular activities. I tried different sports and when I realized that playing them was not a strength of mine I tried managing. While I enjoyed managing softball, I wanted to do something more during the other seasons. This is when I decided to join the cheerleading squad, and that turned out to be a strength of mine. I played in the band, sang in the choir, and wrote for the school newspaper. I was not good at all these activities but that is okay because I realized that music was not a skill of mine but I was good at writing. Erikson describes this as a change in self-concept; it is the realization that one has negative and positive qualities that are situation specific but does not affect ones self-esteem.
Now, that I am older and more mature, I can do the things I have always wanted to do as well as the things I never knew I wanted to do. I can do without authority; I can do without a plan, but all within reason. I can get a job to earn money, and know not to do it away. I can live on my own with said money, but all I could afford is a dismal apartment. At this point, I am all but disillusioned by what I thought was freedom. Though still with my goals, they know longer seem to fit. What I Iooked forward to, I would rather not see.
In the early years of life, I had four very close friends. I met Breanna, Courtney, Elizabeth, and Skylar during nursery time at First United Methodist Church in Monett, Missouri. In preschool, Breanna, Courtney, Elizabeth, Skylar, and I developed a “puppy dog group”. Each of us had a Dalmatian colored fur coat, and we played with them during recess. During preschool, my close friends and I played “house” and cooked a variety of different meals. In general, my friend group got along very well; however, we did have a few conflicts. The main conflicts occurred when more than one person wanted to be the “puppy” in our house activity. Our group also argued about who was able to play the mother, sister, or neighbors. In order to resolve the conflict, our preschool teacher encouraged us to take turns being each character (T. Moller, personal communication, September 20, 2017).
When I was younger I would write stories that had no plot towards them, contained random transitions between chapters, many spelling errors, and crazy punctuations. My stories may have contained multiple errors, but something they did contain was creativity. I remember sitting at my desk
We made writing stories into a game. The rules were that I would have to write at least a full sheet of paper about a topic that was given by my mother and I would only have 30 minutes. We would laugh and just have a good time after making these. These timed writes were also a base that I keep building on today. The timed writes were the foundation for my literacy skills at school. It helped me become more open-minded and creative in my writings even in a short amount of time. Another fun thing my mother and I did was making mad libs together. Mad libs are a type of writing where you make up a story and leave out some words so others can fill them in. These were all activities that were helped make my base on my literacy journey. Mad libs helped me become more creative in my writing by using different words for just that one scenario. After all of the help and support from my mother, I am who I am today because of
Throughout middle school I loved to read in my free time and I was still reading fictional stories that were either fantasy based, such as the Spiderwick Chronicles or Witch and Wizard, or were the good old simple slice of life books, such as Dork Diaries or the Luv Ya Bunches series. I vicariously lived through the characters, putting myself in the shoes of the main character almost as if I was first handedly experiencing everything that was happening in the stories. I would be so attached to the novels because I was just so enamoured by what I was reading, that when I finished a story I would feel empty since it was over. I would draw the characters, envisioning how they would look like and writing character synopsis. These were the innocent and carefree times, before middle school came around and I entered my shortly lived angsty rebellious phase. Of course this phase wasn’t too bad since I am forever the “goody-two shoes” as my classmates labelled me as since the third
I looked at illustrations that other fans made in awe, aspiring to be just as good as them. I practiced for hours on end, writing my own stories and sketching my own art, honing my skills in hopes of one day weaving my own tale for all to see. I draw and write to see the characters come to life.
While there are few who read a story and find themselves be able to write something I was not like that.
Most of my childhood consisted of me either writing or reading a book. I loved reading a good book that gave me the opportunity to enter a whole new world of fantasy. I had such a passion for it that I even decided to write my own stories. Sometimes I was able to let my imagination take a hold on me when it came to my writing. I spent many hours of my day makings stories about what was going on
I never really thought about where my life was going. I always believed life took me where I wanted to go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. Once I entered high school I changed the way I thought. This is why I chose to go to college. I believe that college will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life. This way I can choose for myself where I go instead of someone choosing for me.