My Transition Into High School

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Freshman year of high school was one of the hardest years for me. Often I found myself wishing I could be homeschooled, I absolutely dreaded going to school every day. Every aspect in my life was different now, two of my siblings had moved out, my other sister was in college, and there was much more responsibility put on me at home. On top of that the transition into high school was tough for me, friends had moved or changed and the classes were harder. There was something the affected me much more than all of this though, my grandmother had passed away. To this day I still remember all twenty of my aunts, uncles, and cousins squeezing into the small ICU room at South County Hospital while we said our last goodbyes. My grandmother really …show more content…

One of the hardest things for me was realizing that on one outside of my family really noticed how I was acting differently. Months went by and I was still finding myself missing my grandmother so much, so many things were happening in my life that I wanted to share with her. Every time something exciting happened I would reach for my phone to call her, just realizing that no one would be there to pick up the other end. One day I was going through my deleted voicemails when I found one from my grandmother that she had left me during the first week of school. In this voicemail she said, “Hi Miss Maggie, I was wondering how your first week is going? I heard you are having a tough time, just remember the hardest times often lead you to some of the greatest moments. I love you call me back later.” I lost that voicemail when my old phone broke, but I often found myself listening back to that. I know she probably wasn’t the first person to ever say that, but having those words come from her in that point of my life really changed my perspective on

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