Personal Narrative Essay: The Doll In My Closet

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The Doll In My Closet Have you ever seen a movie that left a lasting impression on your life? From the moment I saw the movie Chucky my life changed forever. At the time, I was nearly nine but after watching the movie I was instantly terrified of dolls. Dolls are one of the scariest toys a kid could have and when you watch a movie like Chucky you can see why this would be true. I learned that night that it’s better to ask what a movie is about before you agree to watch it. I remember being woken up by my dad who was calling my name and telling me he had to take my mother to the hospital. He also made sure to tell me that my aunt had come to watch my brothers and I until they got back from the hospital. I left the warmth of my bed to go out into the hallway stepping on the cold wooden floor with my bare feet. From the dark unlit hallway I could see the flickering glow of the TV. Out of curiosity I immediately went to go see what my aunt was watching. When I got into the living room I saw her flipping through the channels until she suddenly came to a stop. A smile came across my aunt’s face as soon as she saw the movie title. She asked me if I wanted to watch the movie Chucky and I said yes. Although at the time I had no idea what the movie was about but if I did I would have never agreed to watch the movie. …show more content…

The kid had a bad feeling about the doll as soon as he opened the door to the closet and the doll fell out onto the floor right in front of him. The kid’s parents didn’t want him to be afraid of the doll so they told him he should keep the doll with him all the time so he could see that the doll was harmless. But of course in the end the parents were wrong and the kid was right. Chucky, the doll, was the complete opposite of harmless. He was smart, evil and worst of all he loved to bring pain upon his

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