Personal Narrative Essay: Olympic Boxing

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Olympic Boxing Three hours hiding, cops showing up, frantic parents, AC car coolant dripping on my face--all of this happening to a stubborn six-year-old kid. To truly understand this story have to go back to August of 2008, the Beijing Olympics. When I was six years old I thought the olympics were pretty lit, and when my parents decided to throw a watch party to see Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal, I was ecstatic. see when I was younger, I was very smart. I don’t know what happened, with this intelligence I was able to understand that what was happening was a historic moment. With this in mind, can see how I would be pretty pissed if someone tried to take the old sony flip camera I was recording it with. Kyle Rosenthal, the 7th …show more content…

I punched him as hard as my younger body could, and by pure chance I hit him right in his no-no square. He ran crying into the other room and I panicked. I ran outside and hid under my mom’s minivan. Someone came running out after me, they yelled my name dozens of times into the darkness. Soon others flooded through the doors, I could hear their muffled plans on how to find me. At that point I was afraid my parents would be mad at me for hiding from them and embarrassing them. About 15 mins have gone by since the punch occurred, I hid for 3 hours, we’re just getting started. At about 30 mins I heard the first sirens, now I was super scared, I knew that my parents were going to kill me for multiple reasons now. I knew I had to stick it out now and figure things out later, at this point an hour has gone by and I can hear my mom crying, talking to police officers, describing what I look like. Now before we get any further, I want to point out the fact that I can exaggerate the rest of this story but the truth is I fell asleep. I was six and it was about 12:30 am, which is like 2 full days for a teenager. The first time, some time later, It was my dog licking my face under the car, after that things get

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