Personal Narrative Essay: My Trip To Iraq

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My Trip to Iraq We’ve all heard the saying that the journey is worth more than the destination, but is it really though? From the past experience, I can assure you that that’s not always the case. My last trip to Iraq was very unreal, in both a bad and good way. The trip, or the “journey” there, was one of the most tiring trips I ever had. But before I start, this story is narrated by me, Zahraa Hassan. I am average height but feel short and I am on my phone at all times. So, it all started off when my parents Enas Dkhan and Rasoul Hassan decided that we go to Iraq during summer break that year. Enas Dkhan, my mom, is the kindest person in the world, and is on the average height with an average build. Rasoul Hassan, is my dad, is the most …show more content…

May 21st, 2015. The whole house was buzzing with excitement because the day had finally come! We were all as busy as worker bees getting all the final touches ready before we left our house. After all of the work we did at home earlier, we still had a lot of work ahead of us. The next step for us was to pack all of our luggage into our car. We took the family van with us so we can fit all of the luggage into the back. When we packed and secured all of our bags in the trunk, we left off to go to my Aunt Rawaa’s house so we can pick them up. So we went to their house and picked them up and put their luggage in the back. We were all very excited and were all talking about what we want to do as soon as we get to Iraq. I personally was excited to visit Dubai. I have seen many pictures of Dubai and it looks very beautiful. We drove for what felt like forever until we got to the airport. Although we got to the airport four hours early, we still rushed to get everything done so we wouldn’t miss the plane which was ironic. After we got all of our luggage shipped off, passports checked, and went through security, we finally sat down in the room where we could board the plane from. We all passed the time by doing random things until it was time to board the plane. I was texting my best friend at the time. When we got ready to board the plane, the airport announced that our plane was going to be delayed because of plane turbulence. We were really upset, but we tried not to let it get the best of us. We were expected to leave after two

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