Personal Narrative Essay: My 18th Birthday: A Yearful Life

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My 18th birthday was a year of growth. However, no one told me how painful it would be, how painful life could be. See, growing up I was always cast as an outsider. I wanted to fit in but I always remained on the outskirts of the scene. Everywhere I went I could always remember carrying this burden. I was the quiet one, never really said much. I kept a lot on my mind all the time over-thinking, being overly self-conscious and feeling as if I was inferior to the rest of my friends. It dawned on me on my 18th birthday that my teenage years had reached its peak, but so had my life for about a decade. Prior to my 18th birthday, growing up was nothing but great. I guess if you have a roof over your head, food in your mouth, and a nice bed to lay …show more content…

I was 18 and I was waking up one morning for school. I got all dressed, and it was the beginning of fall and it was pretty chilly outside so I would wait inside. I was lucky enough to have the bus stop right in front of my house. So I would wait at the screen door for the bus to come down the street before going out the door. However, that morning I had no idea my mother would go into a spell. Before I could walk out the door my mother hit me with a Coca-Cola bottle, so hard I started bleeding. Picking my face off the ground baffled at what just happened before my eyes. My mom snapped, she was mad because she thought someone had opened her drink the night before. However, the bottle was never opened. But she figured since she saw an empty bottle that it had to be something me or my brothers …show more content…

Bi-polar is real, drug abuse is real, and letting go of that burden of trying to be everything for everyone was releasing. You see I had great parent’s not perfect parents. They did their best and at the end of the day I decided to choose love over hate. See, there were so many things I could’ve hated my mother for, but what would that do to me… be bitter, regretful, and enraged. I decided on my 18th birthday to let go, to drop it. To love my mother, despite her flaws, and to always remember that situations could be worse. But through life you come across trials and tribulations, but nothing beats a test like a testimony. I’m living proof that no matter what your situation is, as long as you a breathing you get to try it again. Also, be a better person than you were before. On my 18th birthday, I realized that I had humbly grown through that part of my life and that chapter was

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