Personal Narrative Essay: Growing Up With My Mother And Family

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Senior year an unforgettable time of laughter pain and growth. When growing up in a very unstable home with your mother and father it was always great to have an outlet. For me my outlet has always been my grandparents. For us "family" did not always treat us like family but our grandparents never changed .They have always been the spine of our family since I could remember .They stepped in the parent role when they had to and remained there for life. But when I needed them most I had to move over 700 miles away back to Detroit . My senior year of high school was supposed to be a time of joys and carelessness , but was instantly replaced with struggle and hardships that I would have never learned or grew from without the move away from my grandparents . My last of high school …show more content…

So when I moved I had to open up to more people besides my grandparents and it was always hard for me to be open about certain topic with people. I was always a social person but I wasn’t a open person. With moving I had to meet “ family” and get to know them with the force of my grandparents and it did not end that well. In addition, a lot of people do not understand me but my grandparents , so when people pass judgement they always see me as cruel or cold hearted. Also before the move I had less stuff on my heart because my grandparents could read me and knew any mood or emotion I was in. After the move I felt as if I could not trust anyone not even my mother because she did not understand me. Without being around people that understood me it was a hard move and I always held a lot of stuff in because I never got comfortable with anyone , no one understood me to see where I was coming from , and lastly I didn’t trust anyone. But with me leaving my grandparents it made me become more open and more trusting of my “family” even though I’m still working on trusting people outside of my

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