Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming

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Swimming has done for me…

Swimming from day one was the hardest sport I have ever done. Never before in my life had I been able to move 50 yards and be in pain. The very act of swimming a lap was exhausting. My parents began their divorce at the same time swim season started, and so it was a nice release. Instead of running for miles and still not being in a terrible pain I could swim and get it over with faster. Aside from providing me with a physical escape it helped me develop socially. The people on the swim team were all so wonderful and funny. I actually wanted to communicate with people outside of my small friends group for the first time in forever. They taught me how to laugh, how to be generally friendly (though it may not seem like it), and to appreciate what you have.
I was very homophobic before I became friends with Ricky Peterson. He was a senior in high school when I was a freshman and he was a pretty fast swimmer. I looked up to him as a swimmer, and as a person he was …show more content…

She was a distance swimmer like me. I was a very energetic freshman and bugged her every day. I would get very excited before swimming started every day and buzz around her. When I was in the water I would go to the bottom and launch out, yelling that I was a whale. I mostly remember Liesl for her signature catchphrases, “RUDE” and “ETHAN STOP! YOU AREN’T A WHALE!”.
Peter Lepannin was also my lane buddy, and I’ve spent the most time with him for sure. He was my true inspiration and driving force for swimming fast. I am positive If he wasn’t so fast I wouldn’t be today. I tried so hard to keep up with him. Everyday by the end I would be in so much pain from swimming with him. He is crazy to see the least. He is a type of weird that is funny from inside the friend group, but when you first meet him he scares you. All of the exploring old mine building and running around the woods naked experiences come from

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