Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming

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Splashing. That’s really all I could hear aside from the countless conversations that echoed through my local YMCA. My bare foot touched the wet tile floor, which sent chills down my back. After grabbing a cherry colored kickboard from a shelf, I trotted back and hopped into the ice cold pool, alongside my peers as we waited for our swim instructor, a young blond in a strappy one piece swimsuit, to give us our warm-up task.

Being a five-year-old girl, swimming class was the highlight of my day, since it was the only activity I was doing on this Saturday morning. Opposite the pool, I spotted my mother with my younger brother in her lap while he was playing a game on her phone. As I raced by my peers in a kickboard relay, a smile crept onto my face stretching from corner to corner as I kicked the people behind me harshly in the face. After about an hour, my arms and legs became sore and my nose was filled with an acidic chlorine stench. Just as soon as I swam back to the shallow end of the pool to …show more content…

This one word brings back countless emotions. As a young swimmer, I ached to perfect my dive, a dive in which I would travel halfway across the pool just by jumping, pointing my feet, arching my hands, and having pin straight legs all at once. My mother and father have encouraged me to dive ever since, helping me improve it and making it the best by taking slow motion videos and giving me feedback on my every move. I paddled to the small stairs and scurried to the diving board on the opposite side of the pool, wrapping my arms against my body in attempts to keep myself warm from the freezing air. Eagerly, I hopped up and down waiting in a line behind my classmates. Time seemed to go slower than imaginable. The icy cold air brushed against my skin as small water droplets trickled down from my heads to my toes. At last, it was my turn to dive. Being the last one in line, I see that my instructor has taken the rest of my group to the shallow pool to play a

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