Personal Narrative: Dragon's Mouth

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“EWWWWWWWW!”, I recall this exact disgusted reaction from my sister as I showed her one of my videos of the Dragon’s Mouth mudpot in Yellowstone National Park. “Who would want to see that ugly thing brother?”, blurted my brother Mateo in an obvious state of sarcasm and annoyance. This was a typical reaction for a 8 year old with the attention span of an adult watching Disney’s Frozen for the 15th time to satisfy their moody princess-dressing girl. Mateo’s disinterest with Dragon’s Mouth was anything but unusual considering his knowledge of Yellowstone, experience at Yellowstone and ultimately his desire to return to Kanto Region in his “more interesting” Pokemon video game. I loved Dragon’s Mouth. Having read the never-ending Yellowstone packet, I had a deep knowledge of the science of the burping never-ending chasm, especially compared to 8 year old who avoids nature at all costs. …show more content…

Boiling clay and blurting gurgling sounds like a man with listerine. The 1, 000 year old boiling rotten egg pot pressed over the earth's magma stove has clay escaping out in bubble- form. I heard and felt the dragon blanketed in a piano black quilt of darkness roar and intimidate like a political campaign. “Brother you idiot of course there was no dragon in that cave”, Mateo’s majestic sarcasm impales my happiness faster than any wolf at Yellowstone once again. Coming from Mateo’s sarcastic opinion, the Mudpot is nothing more than a ugly, brown, boring stinkhole. That is exactly the

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