The Ethics of Killing an Intelligent Species

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Waves of excitement roll through the arena as walls of water pound the splash zone. The entertainers flip and dive in response to the cheers of the crowd. Initially, the dolphins’ smile appears to reflect the mood of the audience, when in reality, the fixated expression protects a multi-million dollar industry. The T.V. show Flippersparked a phenomenon as dolphins became in demand for entertainment, however, their world is not one of enjoyment. Humans are not the only species capable of deception, and the dolphins’ facial facade hides the turmoil within. Amusement parks that showcase dolphins as toys for our amusement exploit the animals to the point that their physical and mental health is compromised. Dolphins are acoustic animals. They rely heavily on their ability to hear and have highly adapted sonar, so much so that dolphins can literally see your heartbeat underwater (The Cove). In fact, a large part of their brain is dedicated to the detection, interpretation, and production of sound (Bearzi 141). So when they are packed into an arena with thousands of screaming spectators, dolphins experience sensory overload. Stress caused by their environment causes ulcers and can kill them. Dolphins experience suicidal tendencies when under pressure; each of their breaths is conscious, so eventually they just stop trying to breathe. One of their brains’ greatest ability, their advanced sonar, is often the cause of their demise. This is true not only in captivity. The dolphin entertainment industry created the initial demand for dolphins and currently drives the dolphin hunting industry. Japan alone catches, consumes, and exports the largest amount of dolphins; the small coast town Taiji specifically, is the largest supp... ... middle of paper ... pediatric and adolescent health care 40(8) (2010): 186-215. WorldCat. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. 4. “Dr Jane Goodall DBE.” The Jane Goodall Institute. The Jane Goodall Institute, 2011. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. 5. Herzing, Denise L. “SETI meets a social intelligence: Dolphins as a model for real-time interaction and communication with sentient species.” Acta Astronautica 67.11-67.12 (2010):1451-1454. WorldCat. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. 6. “Neocortex (Brain).” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. 7. The Cove. Dir. Louie Psihoyos. Prod. Paula DuPre Pesman and Fisher Stevens. Roadside Attractions, 2009. Film. 8. Wallace, David Foster. “Consider the Lobster.” Other Words A Writer’s Reader. Ed. David Fleming. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2009. 301-314. Print. 9. White, Thomas. In Defense of Dolphins: the New Moral Frontier. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub 2007. Print

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