Personal Narrative

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As a child I was always scared of meeting new people and doing anything remotely out of my comfort zone. As I started doing drama I learned that theatre is all about going out of your comfort zone and meeting new people, so I guess you could say that was a struggle for me. When I entered my freshman year at Tollgate, I discovered I would be able to audition for plays and musicals at Bishop Hendricken High School. Hearing this, I was excited, but I also realised that meant I would have to submerge myself into a program filled with the most eccentric people I had yet to meet. I skipped the first show of the year, It’s a Wonderful Life, because I knew I was not ready to enter a program that I knew would alter me forever. I finally decided to enter …show more content…

I knew about three people, one of them being my best friend at the time. Walking in I remember telling myself, “There’s still time to turn back. You don’t have to audition”, but as I entered the double doors a sea of friendly faces greeted me with hellos. While waiting for my time to audition, a gentle giant, whom I would later know as Giancarlo, greeted me and basically made me feel like I was halfway home. Once it was time for me to audition, I entered the theatre with my forms, shaking in my hands. Stepping on to the stage, I looked up and saw a panel of judges who all happened to be my age. Little did I know that “New Artist Play Festival” was two hour showcase made up of four student written and directed plays! Many of the students who directed were kids that I had either gone to camp with or taken acting classes with before. “Hello Juliette!”, came from my former camp counselor, Mr. Sylvia, and already my nerves had somewhat calmed down. As for my monologue on the other hand… that didn’t go too hot, but later on I would find out that I had landed a role in the ensemble of The Tall Tale of Lucy McHale. The Tall Tale of Lucy McHale was written and directed by Peter Mancuso who was one of my buddies from camp. Also in my cast I had Sophie Gregory, who I had known from camp, and two of my very close friends, Brendan and Carlin. I knew then that this was gonna be …show more content…

This excited me, yet terrified me at the same time. I was going to have to spend three days in New York City surrounded by people I had maybe spoken a total of three words to altogether! Before we went to New York, we performed the show once at Hendricken for our families and friends to see. After performing that in January, we took a break for a few weeks and then recuperated in February to have a few rehearsals before we went

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