Personal Narrative-Assisted Suicide Case Study

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I currently live in a big household with my father, mother, roommate, and seven siblings. This household gains low-income and is hard to deal through the struggles. There are several issues that were hard to manage such as not being able to afford personal items for me and my siblings. We were not economically sufficient since we had utilities bills and medical bills to pay. All the medical bills includes the surgery for my sister that was born with a cleft plate, surgery for my mother tumor that had to be removed, and my dad therapy for his back pain since he works extremely hard in construction and always comes home in aching pain. Also, all my siblings have asthma and are constantly in the emergency room do to sudden asthma attacks. We have to pay for the asthma treatment for everyone of them. …show more content…

We had Child Protective Service constantly coming to my home to check on us and were placed in foster care for a week. This lead me to have suicidal thoughts and was difficult to overcome due to the fact that I felt guilty and believed that the only way to avoid the abuse was to take my life away. I had a therapist and had to be placed in a crisis center for weeks. Later, i realized that I had more to do with my life and that suicide wasn't the right way to

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