Personal Narrative: Angela Meade

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I originally planned a very short trip to see Angela Meade in Bellini's Norma at the Met and one NYCB Nutcracker, but my partner wanted to go along, so I made it a week trip and bought us both tickets to a second Nutcracker (he didn't go to the other shows). I told him he could fill the other nights with plays or musicals (what he likes) because he complained I usually fill up the vacation with a ballet or opera every single night. However, he decided he wanted us to have casual leisurely evenings at dinners instead. I was fine with that too and let him choose the places. In the past I have dominated what we do on vacations, and he has complained and tends to stay home nowadays, so this trip I let him decide everything besides the Norma and …show more content…

I continue to be amazed at how so many knowledgeable opera fans rave about her in this role. Her coloratura is so sloppy and her acting is goofy. I do not see any positives in her in this particular role. To me she "gets through it" but bel canto it is not. Angela Meade comes closer to having all the goods, although her pianissimi, as lovely as they are, seem totally disconnected from the rest of her voice as if she has to switch gears to achieve them. I was pleasantly surprised that she could be fiery and commanding (I thought that would be her weak point). Wasn't 100% happy with the moments she took breaths during Casta Diva, but overall this was a decent Norma. The cast reminded me that opera has to be heard live......hearing the sounds reach your ear from the stage is so much better than …show more content…

The restaurant at the top is nice (very good cauliflower risotto but overpriced) and the view was great, but the rest of it feels like endless lines and photo opportunities and a big sell for some ipad to help identify buildings and to get felt like a huge was like Disney World. The memorial pools are very touching and moving outside and those are free. I was in NY weeks after the original towers went down (I think to see Jane Eaglen in Norma....just realized that), and it was blocked off and still smouldering, and I have not gone down that way on recent trips, but it was nice to see that it has become a huge thriving tourist attraction (so no longer just a tragedy), but I advise people to skip One World Center and just look at the memorial pools. That is my personal feeling. I feel the pools are simple but sad and

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