"It's hard to believe in yourself when you're not sure you know what you're doing" (Morris 35). Back in high-school, an old friend of mine named Sarah, completely hit rock bottom. It all began when she stopped having faith in herself. Back in the day, Sarah was a very insecure girl. She felt like she didn't have any skills or talents and she believed she wasn't good at anything. To her, she was an outsider to this world; she didn’t fit in. So, she floated through life; her biggest enemy was herself. The reason that Sarah felt the way she did towards life was because she didn't know what she was supposed to be doing with her life. Her home life was chaotic, and her school life wasn't much better; she was bullied. So, it became hard for …show more content…
She was constantly up to mischief. Weather she was skipping school or out shoplifting; she was always up to something crazy. Being rebellious made her feel like she had a purpose; it filled the empty space in her heart. She let her mind sink to this dark place; and lost sight of herself. She didn't know how to tape the pieces of her life back together. Truth is she didn't know what she was doing. " A life wholly occupied in "going with the flow" will never give us what we truly need" (Morris 5). My brother Tyler has changed his college major four times. First, he wanted to be a lawyer, then he changed his mind to a body builder, then he wanted to be a nutritionist, and then lastly, he changed his major to law enforcement. And now he's not even in college anymore; he dropped out. He works in carpentry and he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life at …show more content…
If someone has something to say about his career choice, he takes it to heart and quits. He's become consumed into being someone everyone likes. He's a follower that feels like he needs to be like everyone else to be good enough. So, he takes life day by day. Going with the flow is his motto. And going with the flow is okay. Sometimes all you need is to live in the moment until you figure things out. But you can't live that way forever. Eventually he's going to need to figure out what he really wants to get what he truly needs out of life. " Our troubles are our teachers...Problems can detain us, and reroute us in unexpected ways, but they can't stop us unless we let them" (Morris 70). An old friend of mine, named April, gave up her whole life in Wisconsin to Move to Marshall Minnesota to live with her boyfriend. For a while, things were going great. They were happy; and they were honestly great together. But then, things started to crumble. It always seems that when things finally start to go right; something always stops you in your tracks. Well what stopped April was that she found out her boyfriend had been cheating on
She sees her father old and suffering, his wife sent him out to get money through begging; and he rants on about how his daughters left him to basically rot and how they have not honored him nor do they show gratitude towards him for all that he has done for them (Chapter 21). She gives into her feelings of shame at leaving him to become the withered old man that he is and she takes him in believing that she must take care of him because no one else would; because it is his spirit and willpower burning inside of her. But soon she understands her mistake in letting her father back into he life. "[She] suddenly realized that [she] had come back to where [she] had started twenty years ago when [she] began [her] fight for freedom. But in [her] rebellious youth, [she] thought [she] could escape by running away. And now [she] realized that the shadow of the burden was always following [her], and [there she] stood face to face with it again (Chapter 21)." Though the many years apart had changed her, made her better, her father was still the same man. He still had the same thoughts and ways and that was not going to change even on his death bed; she had let herself back into contact with the tyrant that had ruled over her as a child, her life had made a complete
...manic depressive state which leads her to her suicide. She no longer has a will to repress any untold secrets from the past or perhaps the past. Since she has strayed far from her Christian beliefs, she has given in to the evil that has worked to overcome her. She believes she is finally achieving her freedom when she is only confining herself to one single choice, death. In taking her own life, she for the last time falls into an extremely low mood, disregards anyone but herself, and disobeys the church.
Sarah Polley’s film Stories We Tell is as much about how we interpret images – what we take as “true” – as it is about how we remember. Through a close analysis of the film discuss what you think the film sets out to do and how it achieves these aims. In answering this question you might also want to look at reviews of the film.
Sarah is 26 years of age. She has four children of her own. Her children are Shelby Brown dob 2/9/07 born in Springfield, Il, Robert Brown dob 5/23/09 born in Springfield, IL, Charlie Lake dob 11/14/10 born in Springfield, IL, and Jenna badger dob 1/14/12 born in Springfield, il. Sarah's preferred language is English. Sarah has prior DCFS involvement with her own children. Sarah stated that in 2014 her ex husband, Timothy Masters, spanked her son Robert and left and red hand print on him. School reported the hand print. DCFS came to her home. By the time Sarah was notified her ex husband had destroyed her home while leaving before DCFS Came to investigate. Sarah was charged with the neglect of her home due to the conditions Timothy left the
...family that she grew up in was such a negative environment. It is very possible that she will grow up to be an art teacher. One might think this because she looked up to her art teacher so much and admired her; Ellen’s mind is full of creativity and ideas. When Ellen’s school found out that her dad was abusive to her they put her up at her art teacher’s house. Ellen says “I came a long way to get here but when you think about it really hard you will see that old Starletta came even farther… And all this time I thought I had the hardest row to hoe” Like Ellen did, it is important for everyone to look back into their life and see what they have learned. Doing so cannot change ones past but only add to their future. Ellen will always carry the horrors of her childhood with her but by using all of her assets that she gained throughout the book her future can be enriched.
says that "If you know who you are and what you are supposed to do then you wouldn't
... sins, but she can’t take back what she did so she will forever have blood on her hands. This guilt and all of the lies she has told is giving her true trepidation and in the end she decided to end her terror by taking her life.
The insecurity she felt through being bullied traveled with her while she grew up. In the end
tragedies that befell her. She is an example of a melancholic character that is not able to let go of her loss and therefore lets it t...
One of my fondest memories with Sami was when her and I went to the Mall of America and we almost got lost. When we were at the Mall of America, we were walking around and we went way too far down and walked past the restaurant Dick’s Last Resort. At that moment we ran all the way back to Carona’s, where my mom was waiting for us.
I apologize for my no call no show today! This morning was not a morning that I could win. Something you don't know about me is that I suffer from Bipolar Depression. For me this has been a struggle that I have been dealing with in undergrad that I have not until this past year really learned what is going on with my body. This morning was the final blow to my self that yet again that I am going to have to change medications or something in that nature will have to happen. I have been in denial telling myself that it is that I am not getting enough sleep or this or that, but this morning I could not will myself to get myself out of bed and that is a problem. I am taking the appropriate steps in contacting my doctor to get an appointment
As a girl, she had an extremely difficult childhood as an orphan and was passed around from orphanage to orphanage. The author has absolute admiration for how his mother overcame her upbringing. He opens the third chapter by saying, “She was whatever the opposite of a juvenile delinquent is, and this was not due to her upbringing in a Catholic orphanage, since whatever it was in her that was the opposite of a juvenile delinquent was too strong to have been due to the effect of any environment…the life where life had thrown her was deep and dirty” (40). By saying that she was ‘the opposite of a juvenile delinquent’, he makes her appear as almost a saintly figure, as he looks up to her with profound admiration. He defends his views on his mother’s saintly status as not being an effect of being in a Catholic orphanage, rather, due to her own strong will. O’Connor acknowledges to the extent that her childhood was difficult through his diction of life ‘throwing’ her rather than her being in control of it. As a result, she ended up in unsanitary and uncomfortable orphanages, a ‘deep and dirty’ circumstance that was out of her control. Because of this, the author recognizes that although his childhood was troublesome, his mother’s was much worse. She was still able to overcome it, and because of it, he can overcome
One of the most important decisions an undergraduate will make will be deciding what they will major in. This academic and life choice will ultimately decide how an individual will view their college experience and help guide them with their future career choices. Choosing the wrong major can be too stressful and overwhelming for a student with more course work than expected. On the other side of the spectrum, the wrong choice in a major will not challenge the individual to bring out their full potential. “Ideally, a major will leave a student academically successful, as well as fulfill academic, personal, and vocational goals “(“The Pennsylvania State University Division of Undergraduate Studies,” n.d.). For most college students choosing a major is a difficult decision, especially when they are not mentally and rationally matured. When choosing a major it is implied that most people are logical and rational, and that they weigh the pros and
So I read those letters that you wrote. I thought about just letting it go and not provoking anything but I figure you deserve a response, so here it goes. While I certainly don't agree with some of the claims you made in my letter, I understand and respect your opinion. And for a second, I thought I was an asshole and maybe what I did was wrong. Perhaps just cutting you off was a bit harsh. But then I read the letter to Emily. And I now I don't feel bad at all. Here's why; you have absolutely zero right to EVER speak about my family in a negative manner. This Is a boundary that should never have been crossed. Anyone who really knows me knows that I stand up for my family first and without exception. My family was nothing but good to you. If
“Some students go to college knowing exactly what they want to do. But most don’t. At Penn State, 80 percent of freshmen — even those who have declared a major — say they are uncertain about their major, and half will change their minds after they declare, sometimes more than once” (Simon). Many students going to college have no idea what they want to become when they grow up. Many change their major and career path during college which proves to become extremely financially damaging. For me, I am pretty sure I know what I want to become in the future and will not end up stuck thinking what I want to become when heading into college in the future. I want to go into the medical field and the two jobs in that field that seems very appealing are