Personal Narrative Analysis

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My eyes abruptly opened in the middle of the night as I heard screams coming from the hallway. The door to my room swung wide open as my mom rushed in, grabbing my arm and throwing my siblings and myself into our closet. Right before the door shut, I glimpsed the red flushed face of a man holding a gun. I realized that man was my father. My eyes shut as I was thinking to myself “this is not happening” while squeezing my siblings hands half wishing this was all a dream I was about to wake up from. Screams continued to fill the air for what seemed eternity. I still do not know to this day if those screams were from others or from myself. It all stopped once the gun went off. Silence pierced the air as sharp as a knife. I could hear my own heart …show more content…

I yearned to be accepted in this new place, new state and new life. Unfortunately, in this midst of acceptance I found myself hanging around with the wrong group of people. My “friends” did drugs, skipped classes, and street fought on the regular, all of which were unacceptable in my highly traditional Mexican household. 2011 to 2012 was a major gang affiliated year in my community. There were fights after school almost every Friday for my first semester of high school. The last fight I ever went to there were at least fifty people. I watched in horror as people’s faces were stepped on with blood pouring down their faces while others were beaten by bats. Halfway through the fight we were chased by the police. I was amongst the lucky few that were not arrested, however it still crosses my mind every day that that could have been me. I thank God every day for giving me another chance. Shortly after this incident, I joined the track team at my school to get away from it all. This sport taught me commitment, dedication and passion. It was the one thing I loved more than my friends and I’m so glad I found …show more content…

I had been named Student Government Association Executive Board Vice President, Hispanic Organization Promoting Education Chapter President, National Honors Society member, Beta Club member, morning news anchor, homecoming queen, holder of the women’s mile record, and had an internship with Mundo Juvenil, all while maintaining a 3.7 GPA. I was then accepted to Georgia State University early action and after applying and interviewing I was awarded a $40,000 Goizueta Scholarship. In addition, I received a $1,300 scholarship from Univision 34. These scholarships were blessings that I worked long sleepless nights for and at the end of my senior year I was proud of the work I had done at my high

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