Personal Narrative Analysis

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Coming from a childhood full of hardship I never expected to be in the position I am today. I do not want to make this a sob story about how difficult my life has been; however, I feel as though some context is necessary. My transition from elementary to high school was shaky to say the least, as I was not the brightest of teenagers. To be completely honest, I believe I was one of the most awkward and lazy Grade 9 students at Brebeuf. I didn’t talk to many people, I was addicted to video games, and my work ethic was pretty much non-existent. In addition to this, a few months before I graduated from elementary school my brother, mother, and I moved away from my father. Despite all the hardships I endured both prior to and during high school, …show more content…

In Grade 9 I was quite uninvolved with the Brebeuf community. I did then and still do idolize my brother, so naturally I participated in anything he did. Unfortunately for me, he was not all that involved, so I ended up only joining the rugby team and attending the annual CSUNA (Catholic School United Nations) event. In Grade 10, I continued to idolize my brother; however, I also began to realize that I could form my own path through high school. It was at this time when I first realized that I wanted to make a change. I would no longer participate in only two activities; instead, I would branch out in an attempt to reach the entire school community. Between Grade 10 and 11 I finally began to put the pieces of my life together. Both my academic and social lives began to flourish, as my average increased by 14% and I became what author Malcolm Gladwell refers to as a “connector”; someone who brings together members of different social groups. In the beginning of Grade 11, a friend of mine told me that I would make a good Student Council President, so I set to work to prove him right. I worked tirelessly to reach out to the most vulnerable students at

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