Personal Narrative Analysis

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Abilene is talking to Ruthanne and Lettie, girls she met a school that day. They are trying to be polite to a new comer but Abilene or maybe her pride shuts them down, refusing to show her true self. It’s majorly important for Abilene to keep her pride and she doesn't take the girl's friendly gesture very well. Abilene pushes away the only girls in town who are showing her friendship because she doesn’t want to branch out of her comfort zone or have anything to do with what she isn't used to. She uses the word “y’all” to fit into the box she thinks describes southerners. I can relate to this because I’m the type of person to always want to try new things. I have found myself in certain scenarios where I use the slang people have previously used around me. Most people develop traits that their peers, teachers, and influencers use in order to feel more comfortable and fit in. …show more content…

Ned proclaims, “Geez kid. You’ve been in Alaska too long.” In this passage, Ned and Jinx stumble across a “KKK” rally and Ned is explaining clearly who the “KKK” or people in white robes are to Jinx. Vanderpool gave readers more background into the story by explaining the time and place in history. She was able to expose readers to what was happening on October 6, 1917. I thought this quotes was significant because it spread awareness to horrible actions happening in 1917. Personally, I feel the world is still an incredibly unfair, rasict, and sextist place, and a quote like this forces me to look to my generation or my current world. And to be honest, it truly disappoints

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