Personal Narrative Analysis

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I came to the united states when I was only seven years old. We were staying in my mom’s cousins house to live. It was weird to be living with people that yes, they were family but never seen before. We were coming to the U. S cause my younger sister had a tumor in her head and there was better doctor here. Being in the U.S there’s a better technology and medical resources that were going to help cure my sister. Although, we are U.S. citizens when we will hear the language English we were so confused because we have been very used to speaking Spanish. We were completely lost for what they were saying. Entering a new school was hard leaving all my childhood friends. Everything need it to be in English. I then had a very low-self-confidence of myself because I couldn’t talk to anyone. I couldn’t do my homework and my cousins wouldn’t help me was struggling to have an education because I knew since I was very young I wanted to become a principal. …show more content…

The teacher helped me to learn English and I will do extra practice homework as well attend tutorials. It was even harder coming home and having parents who don’t know the language dither. We didn’t had money for a car, nor a computer. We need to walk and walk like a very long distance for a public library. I then later entered a depression where how I was working so harder this wasn’t functioning. I honestly told my mother I wanted to go back. At the end of the year I passed the grade level but I quite still was a bit loss of what things meant and how to pronounce things. My friends at school will bully me and tell me I was another Mexican giving trouble to the teacher and the country. My family was a very low income class that they couldn’t work here and the only enter money we had was from my sister’s disability checks. I can barely say we had enough money to live, I wasn’t seeking for

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