Personal Narrative Analysis

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It is surprising, but true that motivation for people comes from money, power, and fame. Not quite for me, I was motivated by my loving grandmother. She instilled in me to “Stay Gold”, work hard and be honest always. When you combine those together you can’t put a limit on what you’ll be able to do in life. I’m just a 21-year-old girl named Andre’a Anderson that was born and raised in Cleveland, OH. Every single day I make it my goal to push myself beyond who I was yesterday, so I can continue to make my dreams come to reality. Growing up I was raised by a single mother due to the passing of my father from Lung Cancer. At the time of this tragic event, I was only nine years old in which it didn’t make much sense to why all this was happening. However, as time went on I learned how to evaluate the phases of life. …show more content…

Being a single mother is not easy, well from what I observed. My mother was gone all the time working to make sure I was taking care of. I didn’t mind because I got to spend a great deal of time with my grandmother. I mean she has the best cooking, blankets, and stories. My favorite things to do throughout the many days at my grandmothers was to feed the birds, squirrels, the stray cats, and dogs. Also, she had a pond in the backyard and we would go out and refill with fresh water and just watch all the birds come take baths, even watch the stray cats and dogs come to grab a drink of water. I always went out my way to save any and every animal that came into my presence. My grandmother always supported my mission of helping animals since I could

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