Personal Narrative: A Streetcar Named Desire

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“My whole story is just about me having a second chance” – Two Chainz. Grit, the habit of excelling through tough times and the drive to push forward even in the face of hopelessness. On the night of September 1, 2016, the view of flashing red and blue flashing light sent a shock down my body. I kept repeating in my head “it’s fine they he’s not going to find anything we’ll pull through” at the moment of those thoughts I heard the dreadful words come from the Sedgwick County Sheriff Officer, “Can I have you step out of the vehicle.” When I opened the driver’s side door to hear the familiar creak from the dented and torn up red painted truck. I felt the warm breeze across my face of the warm summer night ended with an abrupt booming voice in …show more content…

Taking passion and using it to one’s advantage can very rewarding. In fact, every day when standing in front of my closest inspecting the different variety of clothing I thought to myself today is a different day. For instance, in moments when I most felt miserable passion was one of the biggest traits that helped me comprehend there is always going to be a tomorrow. In short, passion is a trait that is using emotions like those that helped me comprehend that tomorrow will be better, and to push myself into a better growth mindset. Secondly, going from one the most horrendous fixed mindsets to understand the advantages of a growth mindset. While going through my most difficult times I really spent a lot of time listening to Mr. Winter during, “Teen leadership”. In fact, one most specific quotes told to me my Mr. Winter was that if you wanted to modify your mindset many people had to go through a tragedy that forced them to open their eyes. During the time of taking the class I was experiencing my own horrific tragedy. In brief, I learned that to change my own mindset I had to understand something need to be different, and taking passion to lust for change helped in the ability to become who I am today. Finally, changing who I am with my family. Before the events that took place on that dreadful September night the bond between my family and I were at there lowest. In addition, after that horrendous night I spent …show more content…

Firstly, hard work is a trait that takes both physical and mental endurance. Hard work is shown in the time when the sweat is pouring down your face and your body is asking you to give up but you push past those feeling and keep going. For example, when I chose to change my mindset I spent tremendous amount of hard work put into changing into the growth mindset. Hours upon hours of telling myself, “Never Quit, push yourself because hard work will pay off.” As you can see, hard work helped me look past my failures and understand “Never Quit” was the mindset I needed. In addition, telling myself that every day was a new plate and the labor I put in today will matter tomorrow, and the next day. For instance, I learned to perceive the world as a challenge that needs to be conquered. Every morning when I wake to the beading in through the cracks in the blinds landing on the black night stand next to my bed. During that moment of daze when you open your eyes I would think to myself, “here’s another day, let’s go get it.” Thus, hard work is being ready to go out and do whatever you need to better yourself in life. Bettering yourself can be as simple as making your bed every morning, or completing your high school diploma. Finally, the last major step I put all my effort into was my school work. After about 6th grade my grade point average (GPA)

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