Personal Narrative: A Parent's Home

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Twas early November of the year 2015, my sophomore year of high school. It was a cloudy, wind-chilled sunday at about late morning when it happened. I was at my grandparents house, playing manhunt with my brothers out in the backyard. My little brother Cole, the youngest of the four brothers, was the “man-hunter” this round. Cole was the second smartest of the four brothers, only trumped by myself yet he was not by any means athletic. With this information in mind I needed to hide somewhere that was hard to access, not somewhere that he wouldn’t look as he would eventually find me. I surveyed my grandparents backyard for a good spot to stay at, then it hit me! The big oak tree, the one which is cross sectioned by a fence. I climbed up the fence and onto a branch, about seventeen feet above ground, which looked sturdy enough to support my weight. This spot appeared to be the best place to seek shelter from the seeker. Little did I know this was the worst place for me to be. Almost instantly after I climbed onto the branch, and stood up...SNAP! Down I fell seventeen feet onto the unearthed, giant roots of this old great oak tree. After I collected my thoughts I decided to stand up, well I’d try to. I tried and tried again, but could not stand up. My right ankle had been the first of me to make contact with not the soft …show more content…

After multiple x-rays and extensive seemingly frugalous examinations of my injured right ankle they have determined that I did not have a sprained ankle, rather I had a very serious stressed fracture. My metatarsals and even some tarsal bones had not been broken, but completely cracked and splintered. My doctor told me I would’ve been much better off just breaking the bones in two. And as a lovely side dish to go along with my main course of a wonderful stress fracture I had also torn a ligament and pulled a few tendons. What a great outcome am I

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