Personal Narrative

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The darkness creeps through my curtains. Cool morning air laced with cinnamon and chocolate flow from the kitchen into my bedroom, and I can feel the seasons change as excitement for autumn wells inside me. The crisp morning mist coupled with the Ackee tree in my yard that sways in the tropical breeze wrap around me like a mother's hug, making me feel safe and loved. I love September, it's always been my favorite month.      In Jamaica, when September rolled around, my family would rush into the stores, newly decorated with their back-to-school advertisements.I beamed with delight as I bounced through the aisle holding my mother's hand counting down the remaining days.       “Finally”, was the only thought in my head as my father gave me butterfly kisses and told me to have an amazing day, a tradition I looked forward to every morning. Weeks of counting down the days had ended and I would finally see my friends. Walking into school with my newly made uniform,their smiling faces greeted me. We began exchanging stories of summer adventures, odd relatives, and “foreign” from those fortunate enough to have traveled to the land of “dudes” and “awesome,” the land where the annual flock of tourists hailed from. …show more content…

September second was my last day in my home, my last day feeling the warm, salty air course through my hair, refreshing my skin, and the last day my accent wouldn’t stick

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