Pros And Cons Of Lawns

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6 Tips not to Forget It’s that time of year again. Days are shortening, leaves are starting to fall from the trees, and there’s a hint of coolness in the air. Fall – the last hurrah before winter. Oh yes, I’ve seen it. People are tired of taking care of their lawns by this time of the year. However, if you can take a few minutes outside to manage these six fall tasks, you’ll be ahead of the game next spring. 1. Not too short, not too long. It’s best to keep grass to a height of around two inches throughout the fall. If grass gets longer than three inches it will mat, which can lead snow mold. If shorter than two inches, grass will be severely limited in its ability to make and store food for spring growth. 2. Scratch that thatch. Thatch is a build-up of living and dead grass roots and stems between the soil and green grass blades. When soil is compacted, the oxygen and nutrient supply are cut off from the roots. Aeration loosens the earth by removing soil plugs. Bald spots in your yard, matted grass, and sparse new growth are signs that your lawn is yearning for some aeration! 3. …show more content…

Put a little muscle into it. Lawn raking in the fall removes excess organic debris and prevents the heavy, wet leaves and plants from suffocating grass. Those dense, moist environments are a breeding ground for disease. Better yet, mulch those leaves and apply them to your lawn. They won't contribute to thatch and they act almost as another fertilizer

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