Personal Ethics In Business

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Ethics In today society you always hear about how company is conducting themselves ethically. This concept can sometimes help or hurt a company in the worst way possible at times. However, ethical conduct is not only the company’s responsibility but also the individuals. Granted the majority people do have that internal sense of what is right and wrong, that however doesn’t mean that they always listen to that still small voice. The over-reaching question however is what is ethics? Ethics is defined as, an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior: a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Granted this a rather broad definition. However, ethics are the cornerstone upon which businesses must be built on. When it comes to the job search ethics is also key. Starting with your resume. If you misrepresent yourself on paper and then the company, you …show more content…

Personally one might think it’s wrong to sell something for more than it is actually worth. Yet, in business you have to sell things for higher to be able to make a profit. Personally, you might have a hard time having to lay off thousands of people, yet as a business you will have to do just that to save your company. Yes, you need you need too able to put distance between your personal feelings on some things in business but if something feels wrong all the way to the core of your soul, then don’t do it no matter what is going on. When it comes to my career and ethical stands on different issues I’m able to put my own personal feelings aside and do what the company asks of me. Some find me cold for being able to compartmentalize in this way, however it’s a business mentality. My plan is to just keep doing business in this manner. I do this because when you let your own personal feelings get in the way things get hectic and a deal can be ruined because of

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