Personal Dragon Research Paper

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It has been said that every family faces conflict most of the time, so any person feeling like a problem they experience thinks that their problem is unique, when in fact, depending on the problem, the probability of it being relatable to other people in this world is very high. As embarrassing as it might be, I would like to admit that I used to think this way about my problems. This made me feel like voicing my opinions would be an irrational thing because not many would relate. Upon realizing that this was not true—and that many people could relate to me—opening up was no longer a challenge in my life. This was a secret key that helped me feel better about myself and to have the ability to express myself freely without fear of repercussions. The past few sentences might indicate the direction this essay is …show more content…

This personal dragon is the ability to individually select friends that I would like to have in my life with standards, and make a strong social circle with. Although, I would like to mention, this personal dragon is already quickly dying and about to go “Poof!” The best way to start curing a problem is by addressing it, so I will be giving statements and opinions that I feel are reasons why this personal dragon exists. In regards to the prior statement, I will start by giving a brief background of myself. Growing up in a hispanic household like mine was not easy. My family has had a long series of problems and conflicts through all its entirety. But then again, who’s family hasn’t? My parents raised four children (three sons and one daughter) to be very loving of one another.

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