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Impact of change in organization
Importance of organizational change
Restructuring impacts on organization
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According to Oxford dictionary, transformation is a marked change in form, nature, or appearance. Personal change management is based on our preferences and available alternatives. In terms of organizations, however, the complex process of changes takes a lot of efforts and time. It involves drastic changes on organizational level that are caused by either external or internal triggers. The example of external change is when competition pushes our businesses to meet certain standards and provide the same or higher level of product quality or service. Internal triggers to change are when an organization detects internal faulty processes that fail to perform and should be corrected within an organization. There are lots of economic factors that could have transformational impact on our businesses. Therefore, force organizations to change and transform companies into something else. For instance, currency devaluation, market globalization, emerging companies, competition, the evolution of technology, the …show more content…
Incremental renewal is about business evolution by expanding current business into new product lines or services or to seek improvement in current lines of production. It is related to gradual improvement over long period of time. For example, Swiss Business School has been developing since 1998 by adding off-site programs, expanding international network, etc. Transformational strategic renewal is fundamental change such as brand or model of business. This type seeks to redefine customer’s expectations. Transformational renewal is drastic change that happens at once. For instance, McDonalds introdiced McCafe as an additional part of its chain. Even though transformational changes involve large scale of changes, we must try to explain the obstacles of these changes to come into life on individual and large scale
It is important that if you are ever running a business, you change before the change comes to you. Change can have either a positive or negative effect on a business and it is extremely important to strive to make it a positive
Change 4 Life is a campaign that is set up to promote health and it also helps a range of individuals change their lifestyles by:
In this paper we will discuss how the Immunity to Change (ITC) and the Constructivism Developmental Theory (CDT) can be used in service of personal and spiritual evolution. We will look at an ITC map and the data generated by it and then reflect upon this information. To do this we start by introducing the terms of ITC and CDT and how we can make use of them to support our developmental growth. Furthermore, we are going to explore my personal ITC map and how working with it, through the lens of CDT, has led me to an adaptive change, to my personal growth and evolution.
I conducted a literature review on academic material referring to the implementation strategies of transformational change within organisations. Drawing on relevant academic theory I encountered during this research, I proposed a hybrid approach for an organisation dealing with transformational change based on the concerns that I felt were most significant.
Change is the only constant in life. And therefore it should be understood as part of a continuing work in progress that calls for a much broader canvas that seeks out competing voices, and works with the resulting ambiguities, contradictions and tensions of messy reality (Graetz, F. & Smith, A., 2010). In this submission I try to show that organizational change is majorly based on the environment surrounding it much more than the desire of the members or change agents working in that organization. This view diverts from that of Lippitt, (1958) who suggests that implementing planned organizational changes successfully depends on premeditated interventions intended to modify the functioning of an organization. It also diverts from the traditional approaches to organizational change that generally follow a linear, rational model in which the focus is on controllability under the stewardship of a strong leader or ‘guiding coalition (Collis, 1998). In this discussion therefore, comparison made between the different philosophies of change and I try to show that successful change implantation largely depends on an organizations appreciation of what goes on around it rather than what they have planned as a strategic direction.
Changing situations throughout the world affect all organizations in business today. Therefore, most organizations acknowledge the need to experience change and transformation in order to survive. The key challenges companies face are due to the advancements in technology, the social environment caused by globalization, the pace of competition, and the demands regarding customer expectations. It is difficult to overcome the obstacles involved with change despite all the articles, books, and publications devoted to the topic. People are naturally resistant to fundamental changes and often intimidated by the process; the old traditional patterns and methods are no longer effective.
Throughout every person’s life, there will always be moments in time where change will take place. This could range from a variety of events such as changing schools, jobs, or even one’s own home. However, there are some habits that help one stay healthy if they remain consistent. This can consist of altering one’s diet to a healthier one or even enhancing the number hours of sleep one gets per night. A health change behavior goal that I have taken the time to evaluate and accept is necessary will be composed of a ten day exercise program in order to completely change my physical fitness habits. Selecting this health change behavior was the best choice due to the fact that after starting my educational career here at UCI, I had abandoned the active lifestyle that I once had before college. For the past two
Organizational change affects all levels and individuals of the organization in question. Although a change effort can originate in any part of the organization, it will eventually require strategic effort from the top and buy-in from the bottom in order to be sustained.
The distinction between the start-up and growth stages in not easily defined. The distinction lies in the revenues, profits are stronger and are consistent with an increase in customers, as well as, new and exciting opportunities for the employees to pursue. Managers can look forward to many managerial challenges, perspective policy issues and re-evaluating the business plan for revisions. A manager’s focus should be in the running of the business, with a greater emphasis on accounting and human resource management systems. New staff will have to be hired, trained and prepared for the influx of business.
The idea of change is the most constant factor in business today and organisational change therefore plays a crucial role in this highly dynamic environment. It is defined as a company that is going through a transformation and is in a progressive step towards improving their existing capabilities. Organisational change is important as managers need to continue to commit and deliver today but must also think of changes that lie ahead tomorrow. This is a difficult task because management systems are design, and people are rewarded for stability. These two main factors will be discussed with reasons as to why organisational change is necessary for survival, but on the other hand why it is difficult to accomplish.
According to Witkavitch (2010) life is about change and as human beings we’re always changing, growing, transforming and transitioning our lives. Our whole life is made up of change. It is relative to time and a natural component of our everyday life. Things change, they grow, they develop, they die, and something else shows up. There are many changes that can occur during a person’s lifetime. For instance, we all were once kids who changed into adults. With that said, as we age, dreams change. There will always be something new in life and we can’t expect everything to fall in place as we wish because the future is constantly changing. In the age of globalization, information and communication revolution changes are affecting our lifestyles, our ways of thinking, feelings and the way we act. Life changes everyday for a person in some way. Just like we expect the seasons to change and children to grow older. Some changes are very small and can affect your life in an enormous way. However, other events can be very important and could change your whole life such as getting married, getting arrested, having a baby, and even losing a close friend or relative. The important events that altered my life are coming the United States, playing club soccer, becoming a U.S. citizen, going to graduate school and studying abroad. In this in paper, I will discuss how these phases transformed my life physically and mentally.
After meeting with the president and listening to the issues and concerns regarding, Jack I would highly recommend for a personal improvement plan (PIP) to be developed. I would suggest for the president to have a one-on-one meeting with Jack regarding the negative feedback he has received from the staff. Jack should be fully aware of the expectations that are being sought as a result of this improvement plan. When laying out the areas of improvement, the first concern would be the negative attitude he has toward his staff. Next, would be to address the several complaints on company surveys from his department as well as outside of his department. These situations take time so I would recommend a 90-day plan with a follow up with the employees immediately after the plan has exhausted. The purpose of the PIP would be to improve employee morale, create a healthier work environment, and assure that the employees are receiving adequate support and resources needed to perform productively. Jack would also be informed of the consequences he could face if he is not compliant and open to this PIP. I would suggest for an outside,
...ess of the organizations inclination to change; the staffs skills and competency; magnitude of revolution capability and decision-making strategy. This change must be pertinent to the organizations objectives and to its members; opportunities for the members of the organization to make informed and prudent choices for a prudent decision-making.
One of the first scholars to describe the process of organizational change was Lewin (1974). He described change as a three-stage process that consists of unfreezing, moving and freezing stage. During the unfreezing stage the organizations become motivated to change by some event or objective. The moving stage is like implementation when the organization actually makes the necessary change. Furthermore the freezing stage is reached when the change becomes permanent. Organizational change has also...
Strategic renewal is another desired outcome of corporate entrepreneurship. The new economic order and business environment has created a pace of change which requires businesses to adapt more frequently and rapidly than ever before. The changes could involve corporate structure, mergers and acquisitions, addressing new market opportunities, changing product portfolios, repositioning, adapting infrastructure, or adopting new technology. Managers in an organization must be able to take stock of its situation under changing market conditions and agree on a coherent new strategy that will meet the challenges of the present as well as of the future.