Person Centred Care Assignment

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Assignment 2: Written Essay The principle of person-centred care has been said to increase positive patient outcomes and experiences, as well as being the foundation of safe and high-quality care (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2023). Person-centred care is Principle 2 in the Code of Conduct for Nurses as set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2022). This essay will be discussing the interaction and implementation of person-centred care between practice nurse, Amy, and a grieving widow, Emilio, who expressed he is not coping with grief after recently losing his long-term partner. The Code of Conduct for Nurses set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2022), provides structure and allows for nurses to have a set of guidelines to use and implement throughout their profession (Cowin et al., (2019). Principle 2 of this code emphasises the importance of providing person-centred care which allows for consumers to have care that is individualised for them, Amy began her interaction with Emilio by attentively and …show more content…

Amy uses a holistic approach while looking at Emilio’s well-being, by acknowledging the impact that grief would have on Emilio’s overall health, she uses critical thinking and analysis to address his emotional and physical needs by providing information about local community support that is relevant to Emilio’s individual

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