Person Centered Therapy Essay

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Person Centered Therapy is approach based on the basic assumption that people can resolve their own problems. This therapy is like concepts and values with existential perspectives that people are trustworthy. They can move forward that with personal growth without direction interventions on the therapist part. “From the beginning, Rogers emphasized the attitudes and personal characteristics of the therapist and the quality of the client-therapist relationship as prime determinants of the outcome of the therapeutic process” (Corey, G. 2017, p.165). Carl Rogers, believed that the goal of Person Centered Therapy was not about solving problems. He felt that therapy should be help clients to achieve a greater sense of independence so can cope …show more content…

“Person-centered therapists agree on the matter of not setting goals for what clients need to change, yet they differ on the matter how to best help clients achieve their own goals” (Corey, G. (2017, p.171).
In the video the therapist uses three techniques to help her client. These techniques are congruence, or genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathy. In person-centered therapy, these therapeutic core conditions are necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic personality change. “If the therapist can provide a certain type of relationship, the other person will discover within himself or herself the capacity to use the relationship for grown and change” (Corey, G.2017 p.173). Congruence applies that the therapists are real, and they can provide an inner and outer sense that they can relate to a client’s emotions and they are present in the relationship. An example of the congruence in the video: is when the client is struggling with telling her father she does want to visit a college on the weekend. The therapist can identify how the client is feeling but doesn’t give her the answer she is looking for instead she asks the client on what she thinks she should

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