Perfection In Society

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Society contradicts itself. Perfection is a fantasy that is often compared to reality, however everyone is expected to be perfect even though it simply cannot happen. Everyone reaches a point in their life when they are no longer a child and the true pressure of society begins to weigh down on their shoulders. Some individuals can handle the pressure, however others break under the pressure. Bullying, harassing, tyrannizing, and tormenting someone can be caused by anyone. These actions are caused by people who are usually delusional and think they are superior. “Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others.” (Bullying Definition). Just because someone is different physically or because they have a different sexuality they would be at the risk of being bullied. For example, Tyler Clementi was publically humiliated because he was suspected of being a homosexual. Just as society and bullies has an effect on people, family does as well. There are many ways a child can grow up in an abusive or unhealthy environment caused by their parents. When someone does not feel safe in their home the scar it leaves lasts forever. Because of self-esteem issues caused by societal pressure, bullying, and dysfunctional families individuals will often commit suicide.
The media is the puppeteer to society; it controls the lives of everyone. The media is the only way people know how to communicate and entertain. Through the media there are many messages left out for everyone to see and one of the messages seen the most is that an individual has to be perfect in order to gain any affection. To be perfect would be impossible but everyone is expected to be desirable...

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...hysical fighting.” (Teen Dating Violence). In any case of abuse the victim will always want out, even if it means harming themselves or others.
Additionally, suicide is never a guaranteed way out. There is never a one hundred percent chance that committing suicide will actually work. When someone commits suicide the family will grieve and mourn the loss of their loved one. When someone attempts to commit suicide and fails, the family will forever worry and suffer even more. (EXPLAIN) There are various solutions to any conflict and suicide is never the answer. There are many methods to cope with being suicidal. These methods include talking to someone close, consult a person who has experienced the same feelings and gotten better, or talking to a therapist. Feeling suicidal is temporary depending on the situation and how it is dealt with. Keeping quiet for a bully

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