An Outsider's View Of Perfection

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In today’s world, perfection is a word that can have a multitude of definitions and be applied to a multitude of things. Who has a perfect house, a perfect family, a perfect life? But these ideas of perfection are purely opinion. No person can ever be seen as perfect in every single way by every single person. However, it can always be strived for and-just because someone doesn’t reach an outsider’s view of perfection-one can always reach their version of perfection of their lives and themselves if they put the effort forward and strive to reach their definition of perfection. In a world of jidgement, one can strive for personal perfection by building their idea of a perfect career, finding what they would establish as a perfect homelife, and reaching their goal(s) until …show more content…

People are often told it is a necessity to have a good work-life balance. If one doesn’t have that balance, they will be miserable in life and will never reach pure joy. However, if one doesn’t reach tier perfect homelife, they will still resent it because it is not moving up to their expectations. A vision of the perfect homelife can mean different things to many people. For some, it’s a beautiful home that is well kept and decorated, designed to reach ones’ standards. For others, its marriage and a family, someone to come home to who will help them escape the outside world. Striving for a perfect homelife gives a person a sense of perfection and makes them see themselves as a better person who is able to accomplish their goals in life. It has been proven that if one resents their home life, they will resent themselves and hate who they are as a person. One must reach their goals in life to be happy and prove to themselves that they are a worthy person. And if one doesn’t reach their goals, they will never see themselves as perfect, and their self-image will

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